In Praise Of Imperfection
What I miss though is how not to go bananas. Not to get blown away by the hurricane of information and not obey all the recommendations on what you must or mustn't. On what to eat, how to exercise, how to dress, or how to apply your makeup. The light swallow among these shrewd and perfect bloggers and YouTubers is Sej Roška (I suggest that you watch her videos for a great laugh). ;-)
Had I encountered this wave 30 years back, it would have probably been hard for me to resist the hurricane of perfection.I vaguely recall that I once succumbed to the information my friend had given me orally at our math class (a tiny note for the younger generation - there were no smartphones, no Facebook, basically nothing). It seemed to me that the only way of getting a clean face was eating a huge healthy bowl consisting of grated apples, carrot, honey, and nuts for breakfast. Due to my pubertal skin appearance, I got over myself. So I would actually grate carrot and apples each morning for several weeks in a row. The miracle did not happen, and for another year I could see neither an apple nor a carrot.
For years I felt in no way perfect. I was satisfied neither with the look nor with my existence. Maybe it's a part of life, being, as we all know, a journey. And this journey is much more important than the goal itself. The thing is that when looking at the perfect social world, this claim is somehow dissolved, and few people actually believe it. From the position of a mature woman, I can confirm the following. Perfection does not exist. By that, I mean the physical and psychological irreproachability commonly regarded as a sign of satisfaction and happiness. So the Internet is full of nonsense and disgrace. Until recently, I wasn't committed to any healthy lifestyle. Some habits are still there.
I don't exercise regularly nor use expensive anti-age cosmetics. I don't like cleaning up, and I'm a bit lazy. Much like a typical café loafer. Fortunately, I was able to unite my passion and work in one. I am healthier than before (before the raw vegan period); sometimes my husband takes me skiing, hiking, or cycling around the mountains. I cherish moments spent with him, my daughters, and our greyhounds. Our household will never be perfect. Bitten doors and torn rugs in the hall are seen on a daily basis. I won't ever have neither a perfect body nor flawless skin. I won't probably stop the ageing, and I won't become Twiggy, because I like savouring a piece of raw cake. But I'm happier than ever before. I dedicate my life to something meaningful. I spend my time generating new ideas for the café and writing my books. This is my journey, and I enjoy it the way it is.
I have to correct myself. Perfection exists. It is love that envelopes us as soon as we let it enter our lives.
Sincerely yours,
Jahodovo-citrónový dort
200 g shredded coconut
50 g dry cashews
100 g dates
50 g peeled beetroot
Lemon cream
300 g soaked cashews
150 g agave syrup
50 g lemon juice
180 g cacao butter
Strawberry layer
300 g soaked cashews
300 g strawberries
150 g agave syrup
240 g cacao butter
20 g beetroot juice
Instruction Prepare the crust by mixing the ingredients and pressing the 'dough' into a foiled 24 cm cake form. To make the filling, you will need a high-speed blender. Melt cacao butter at 42°C.
Mix the nuts on its own, then add the rest of the ingredients except for cacao butter. Pour lemon cream on top of the crust. Let it set in the freezer (~20 minutes). Repeat with strawberry cream. Decorate the cake using your fantasy. Enjoy!